Type: Business
Status: SOLD
Sqft: 1,100 (+-) SF
Type: Business
Status: SOLD
Sqft: 1,100 (+-) SF
Address: 462 Shrewsbury Avenue
City: Shrewsbury
State: New Jersey
ZIP: 07702
City: Shrewsbury
State: New Jersey
ZIP: 07702
Additional Features:
- Well known established turnkey profitable ice cream business for sale.
- Ryan’s Ice Cream has been in business since 1968.
- Offering homemade ice cream along with ice cream cakes.
- Sale includes all equipment, name and inventory.
- Owner will stay on to train new owner.
- Income/expenses will be provided to qualified buyers.
- Asking lease price $4,500 per month gross, plus utilities and increases over base year.
- Asking sale price – $675,000
- $175,000 to include all equipment, inventory, furniture and fixtures.