Price: $895,000
Type: Retail/Office
Status: SOLD
Sqft: 3,700 (+-) SF
Type: Retail/Office
Status: SOLD
Sqft: 3,700 (+-) SF
Address: 15-17 Monmouth Street
City: Red Bank
State: New Jersey
ZIP: 07701
City: Red Bank
State: New Jersey
ZIP: 07701
Additional Features:
- 3,700 (+/-) sf mixed use two story building
- First floor is 2,320 (+/-) gross rentable square feet divided into two separate spaces
- Second floor is 1,400 (+/-) sf with its own separate entry way off of Monmouth Street and walk up access
- All three spaces have separate electric and their own central A/C units
- There are six parking spaces on site in the rear of the building
- Full unfinished basement and walk up unfinished attic with high ceilings