Price: $18 PSF, NNN
Type: Office
Status: LEASED
Sqft: 3,161 (+-) SF
Type: Office
Status: LEASED
Sqft: 3,161 (+-) SF
Address: 46 Newman Springs Road
City: Red Bank
State: New Jersey
ZIP: 07701
City: Red Bank
State: New Jersey
ZIP: 07701
Additional Features:
- 3,161 (+-) SF first floor medical/professional office space with high end finishes for lease.
- Space is comprised of seven offices with glass partitions, a large open area, kitchen, high ceilings, two storage rooms, and common area reception & lavatories.
- Abundant sunlight and high ceilings that create an inspiring work environment.
- Space is currently used as a physical therapist office.
- Neighboring tenants include Immediate Urgent Care, Lotus Health & Wellness Spa, & SFC Enterprises.