Price: $975,000
Type: Office
Status: SOLD
Sqft: 4,266 (+-) SF
Type: Office
Status: SOLD
Sqft: 4,266 (+-) SF
Address: 7 Hendrickson Avenue
City: Red Bank
State: New Jersey
ZIP: 07701
City: Red Bank
State: New Jersey
ZIP: 07701
Additional Features:
- 4,266 (+-) square foot two story professional office building located at the corner of Highway 35 & Hendrickson Ave.
- Property has a Red Bank mailing address and a Middletown tax address.
- This building offers 10 private offices, two conference rooms, four lavatories, two large bullpens, reception area with atrium, a kitchenette and a full unfinished basement for storage.
- There is an elevator with access to the 2nd floor and to the basement.