Type: Warehouse
Status: For Lease
Sqft: 15,770
Type: Warehouse
Status: For Lease
Sqft: 15,770
Address: 3418 Sunset Ave
City: Ocean Township
State: New Jersey
ZIP: 07712
City: Ocean Township
State: New Jersey
ZIP: 07712
Additional Features:
- 15,770 (+-) square feet of warehouse for lease with office and three acres of yard space.
- 24,779 (+-) square foot one story masonry and steel building on slab containing mostly warehouse and 1,000 (+-) square feet of office.
- 25’ x 50’ column spacing, full sprinklers, two industrial exhaust fans, generator and a five year old roof.
- There are six drive in doors, one loading dock, 19 ft ceilings, 1600 amp electric and a functional truck scale located in front of the building with max weighing at 120,000 lbs.